
Friday, March 11, 2011

Cliffs of Moher

So I figured I might as well finish updating from my last day on the Shamrocker tour. On the last day we started off seeing the Cliffs of Moher. Despite the fog they were absolutely stunning, but it was really cold out there. I could barely feel my fingers to take the photos! Thankfully I had brought my mittens, they were lifesavers. We walked out to the edge of the cliffs and around a path, I took my time just taking in the view and the smell of the ocean. But as soon as I was on my way back to the bus I stopped in the gift shop and bought a fuzzy hat so my ears could warm up! On the way back to Dublin we made a stop in Galway for lunch. It's a college town (there's four there!) so it's pretty different from anywhere else I went in Ireland. In comparison, it's the Ann Arbor of Ireland. But here's a photo from the main shopping area.
I totally wish we had these here in the States. What is that you ask? That is a Dyson Blade aka an air hand dryer. You just put your hands in their flat and slowly draw them out and..WALLA! They're dry!! It's seriously amazing...seriously! Way more efficient than the sad excuses we have for hand dryers here.
After getting back from the tour, we didn't want to go our separate ways that quickly so a group of four of us got together later that night at The Brazen Head, Ireland's oldest pub, for a couple drinks. It dates back to 1198! Definitely has that old world feel in side, but it's kind of weird because there are four rooms that you can drink in. There's the one outside, there's one with a bar but the bar was closed, there's another with a fireplace and then there's the one with the open bar in it. Regardless of what room you sat in you had to go to the one with the open bar to get your drinks. It was weird, but really cool to know how much history that place holds. I can't even image what it must have been like when it opened. Too bad they didn't have photos back then.

I did have a bit of trouble remembering what is what over there since some things don't use the same words as we do in the States. So here's a couple of them, the word in italics is what the Irish use.

chips - french fries
crisps - chips
lift - elevator
craic - fun, a good time (not used all the time in conversation)

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